Glossary of Maintenance Terms

APIThe tools used to develop software applications. It specifies how components communicate with each other as well as with other software programs
Applications Parts ListA list of needed parts to complete a specific maintenance job or repair
Apprenticeis the person who is learning a trade by working under the supervision of experienced workers
Assetis a physical property used in facility’s operation owned or controlled by a business or an economic entity that provides benefit to the business
Asset Lifetimethe measurement of how long a component stays in service before it fails. It also measured by Mean Time Between Failures
Asset Managementis a strategy of improving, operating, maintaining, and disposing of physical assets
Asset Registeris a detailed list of all assets that belong to an entity. It includes information such as specification, location, condition, and owner
Availabilitya period of time that particular equipment can operate its intended function
Bill of Materialsis the complete list of parts and components, as well as the quantity that is required to accomplish a project
Breakdownis a malfunction where the equipment is no longer operational
Breakdown Maintenancerestoring the operational state of equipment after losing its functioning capabilities
Call-outto order a skilled person to conduct emergency maintenance activity or repair
Componenta removable part of an item that can fit with other units in a manufactured product
Computerized Maintenance Management Systema software system used to manage maintenance activities, assets and track work orders.
Condition Based Maintenancea maintenance activity that aims to determine the condition of equipment to decide what action to take
Condition Monitoringis the observation of equipment parameters to determine a significant change that could indicate a developing fault
Conditional Probability of FailureThe conditional probability of failure is the probability the equipment or system will fail at a particular time interval, given it has not yet failed
Corrective MaintenanceCorrective maintenance is a maintenance activity conducted to restore a faulty system or equipment to an operational condition.
Craftspersona person who has trained for a particular skills
Criticalitythe fact of being extremely important
DefectA defect is a potential failure that requires maintenance attention but not preventing the equipment from operating
Deferred Maintenancerefers to maintenance activities or repairs that are put on due to lack of funds
Downtimerefers to periods when equipment is out of service due to failure
Economic Lifeis the duration which an asset is expected to be useful to the owner
Emergency Maintenanceis a necessary repair of equipment or machine due to unexpected breakdown in order to prevent a threat to lives, property, profitability, or viability of an organization.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)is the software used by an organization to track and manage business operations such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations
Equipment Availabilityis the percentage of time a piece of equipment can operate
Estimated Plant Replacement Valuean anticipated amount to replace the existing item to achieve the normal operational state
Expert Systemis a computer system that uses artificial intelligence to solve a problem. It evaluates decisions based on rules within the software.
Fail-safeis a feature of a machine wherein in the event of failure, it responds in a safe way that will cause minimal or no harm to the environment.
Failureis the inability of a piece of equipment or a system to meet its intended function.
Failure Codeis an alphanumeric marker in CMMS that gives basic information about equipment failure.
Failure Effecta condition in which would happen if no action is done to anticipate, prevent or detect failure
Failure Moderefers to an event on how an asset can fail
FMEAis an identification method of potential failure with an asset, evaluating the causes and impacts in order to identify the process that needs improvement
Functionthe required purpose of an asset or equipment
Functional Failureis defined as the inability of equipment to perform its standard function
Functional Testis a test conducted to be able to validate whether an item is about to fail
Gantt Chartis a graphical tool used for planning and scheduling a project. It shows sequential timelines and deadlines of all activities, milestones, resources, and dependencies.
HACCPa tool used to assess the hazard in the food production process to establish a control system and reduce the risk to a safe level
Hidden FailureA Hidden Failure is a failure that is already occurred but remains undetected
Industry 4.0is automated manufacturing or production and operation in the industry with the use of smart digital technology.
Inherent Reliabilityis a measure or level of the reliability of an item that is established by current operating conditions and design.
Inspectiona set of tasks involving measurement, testing, and gauges to determine the operating condition of an asset
Internet of Things (IoT)the interconnection of physical objects with the internet and exchange data with other devices and systems.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Contains data collected and metrics to demonstrate and measure business, process, performance, and assets against a set of target, objectives, or industry peers
Lean Six Sigma
Life Cycle Costinga process of analyzing the economic value of an asset during its equipment life to determine the most appropriate option for purchasing
Lockout Tagout (LOTO)a safety procedure to ensure that equipment is properly shut off and not able to use unexpectedly until repair or maintenance work is not completed
MaintainabilityThe ability of an item, under stated conditions of use, to be retained in or restored to a state in which it can perform its required functions
Maintenance Backlogis an accumulation of maintenance task that needs to be accomplished
Maintenance Loga document that contains all information about maintenance activity. It tracks historical records performed on given pieces of equipment
Maintenance Policyan administrative and technical guide used in maintenance management decision making
Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO)is the set of activities design to upkeep the facility including maintenance and operation of the building facility
Maintenance Strategyis a systematic approach with the purpose of achieving satisfactory results in all scopes of maintenance management
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)is a measure of maintainability and represent the average time needed to repair the equipment
Model Work Orderare predefined work orders for conditioned-based maintenance
No Scheduled Maintenanceis a maintenance strategy where no routine maintenance tasks are performed until equipment has broken down. Also known as Run-to-Failure
Non-Destructive Testingis a method of equipment testing without damaging it
Non-routine Maintenanceis any maintenance that isn’t performed at pre-determined intervals
Operating Hoursthe duration of which the system or equipment is running.
Operation and Maintenance Manualis a document containing details about property and equipment as well as know-how to maintain it
Operational EfficiencyThe ratio between the actual output product of equipment and its expected maximum output capacity
Outagea period of time when the equipment has no power supply to operate
Overhaula thorough examination and restoration of equipment to satisfactory condition
Periodic Maintenanceis a maintenance strategy that requires a set time interval
Planned Maintenancea systematic approach in which maintenance activities are scheduled to be done on a regular basis
Planned Maintenance Optimizationis a method that aims to improve the current maintenance procedure of an organization
Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)refers to the amount of maintenance duration utilized in connection with planned maintenance activities
Potential Failurethe point in the system at which the malfunction can occur or will occur
Preventive Maintenance (PM)is the activity or strategy to keep equipment running in good condition and avoid unplanned downtime or unexpected failure.
Primary FunctionThe function of an asset that is intended to do
Prioritya task treated as most important or needs more attention before anything else
Proactive Maintenanceis a maintenance strategy that aims to determine and rectify the root cause of the failure to avoid equipment breakdown
Protective Deviceis a device that protects an asset from failure and other consequences
Purchase Orders (PO)an official document issued by a buyer to a supplier that indicates supplies, materials, and services as well as the quantity and agreed price of products or services
Purchase Requisitionis a document initiated by the user department to purchase specific spare parts, materials, supplies, or services from suppliers
Reactive Maintenancerepairing of equipment to operational condition after observing breakdown or damage
Redesignto revise or enhance the appearance, function, content capability of equipment or system
Reliabilityis an overall measure of consistency
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)is a maintenance strategy that aims to perform efficiently, safe, economical and reliable
Repairan activity that puts damaged system or equipment back to its working condition
Restorationan act of bringing the asset back to its former capability or condition
Riskan event involving exposure to danger
Risk Assessmentis a process of identifying the potential hazard and analyzing the impact on the environment
Root Cause Analysisis the process of identifying the root cause of problems in equipment or process to find appropriate solutions
Routine Maintenancemaintenance activities that are being done on a regular basis or schedule
Run-to-Failureis a maintenance strategy where no routine maintenance tasks are performed until equipment has broken down.
SCADAis a computer-based control system used to gather and analyze real-time data to monitor and control the machine and processes
Schedule Complianceis a maintenance metric that determines the effectiveness of maintenance task over a given period of time
Scheduled Maintenanceis a planned maintenance activity that is performed based on pre-defined scheduled.
Scheduled Operating Timeis the duration in which a piece of equipment is set to operate
Scheduled Work Orderis a planned maintenance task scheduled and assigned to someone.
Shutdownis a duration of time when the equipment is not operating
Shutdown MaintenanceMaintenance tasks that can only be done while equipment is shutoff
Standard Jobis a description of duties and responsibilities of particular work that is required to complete
Standing Work Ordera work order opened up for routine or specific task
Stores RequisitionA document used to request specific supplies, parts, and materials, from a particular warehouse
Total Asset Managementis an integrated approach to advance the facilities management process while dealing with environmental impact and data challenges.
Unplanned Maintenanceis work that happened unexpectedly without a plan to carry out.
Unscheduled Maintenanceis a necessary repair of equipment as a result of an unexpected breakdown or error.
Uptimeis the duration a system or equipment is functioning
Useful Lifean estimated lifespan of an asset to remain valuable for the company operations
Utilizationis a percentage of available time that the equipment is operating
Work Orderis a document that specifies information about maintenance activity. Work orders can include details about the scope of work, assigned personnel for the job, date of completion, materials needed, and other expectations.
Workloadthe amount of work expected to complete within a specific amount of time