Uploading Processing and Completion Attachments in the Responder Portal

Attachments, including images, can be uploaded to Requests to evidence the completion of the Request

Processing attachments may be used as evidence that the Responder has arrived on site. Completion attachments are used as evidence that the Responder has completed the Request. The Manager / Admin can make these attachments compulsory for Responders. If these attachments are compulsory, then they have to be attached before the status of the Request can be updated. 

The Manager / Admin can also decide whether the attachments should be automatically sent to the Requestor.

To upload an attachment in the Responder portal, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Requests section

Step 2: Hover over the Request to see the ‘Request Details’ icon

Step 3: Use the `Upload Completion Attachment’ to  upload an attachment