The Facility Manager may configure FacilityBot to allow Requestors to make Service Requests through Slack. Service requests are requests that require a response by the Facility Manager but are not faults. These may be soft services such as Event Management, Access Card replacements or Reception requests.
Service Requests forms can be configured by the Facility Manager to accept other fields beyond the fields to report a fault.
Note that the Facility Manager is able to switch off the Service Request feature. In this case, Requestors for that building will not be able to access this feature. The Facility Manager may also change the button and text for this feature.
This article outlines how the Requestor can make a Service Request in Slack.
- Search for the correct channel in Slack.
- Type “Hi,” “Start,” or other similar phrases to chat with the bot.
- Type of click the “Service Request” button.
- A link will be sent where Requestors can make the service request. Open the link to be redirected to the Service Request form.
- Follow the steps in making a service request as guided by the Bot.

- The Requestor will receive a Case ID to indicate success in making a Service Request.