Service Requests Permissioning

Facility Managers may want to only allow certain groups of requestors (such as tenants) to make certain request types. To do this, Managers can use Requestor Tags to indicate Requestor permissions. 

Configuring Requestor Tags

First, Managers should configure Requestor Tags. Managers may tag requestors to manage their permissions to use various features.

  • Log in to FacilityBot Portal. 
  • Go to Settings->Accounts->Requestors.
  • Click on “Manage Requestor Tags.”
  • Create a new requestor tag by clicking on the “ + New” button. 
  • A floating editing panel appears. Give your new requestor tag a name. 
  • Once created, you can tag requestors. Back on the requestors page, managers can select a tag for each requestor. 

Service Requests Permmissioning

Managers may allow only Requestors with the appropriate tags to request a service. 

  • Go to Settings->Requests.
  • You may create a new request type or edit an existing one.
  • To create a new request, click on +New.
  • Give your new request type a name and select the Requestor Tage permitted to make this request.
  • Populate the request form as needed.
  • Alternatively, you can edit an existing service request type.
  • Only permitted requestor groups will be allowed to make this service request.