Automatically Send an Email when Requestors ask to “Chat with Staff”

FacilityBot allows Requestors to request to chat with a Facilities Management staff using the “Chat with Staff” feature.

Facilities Managers may find it useful to trigger an email to alert the staff whenever a Requestor requests to chat with a staff.

Using FacilityBot’s intuitive dropdown interface, an email can be automatically triggered when Requestors click or type “Chat With Staff” in messaging channels.

Creating the Automated Workflow

  • Log in to FacilityBot Manager Portal
  • Go to “Features” and select “Workflows”.
  • Click on the “+ New Workflow” button on the upper right.
  • Select “Chat With Staff” from the “Event” drop-down menu.
  • Then select “Send email” from the actions menu.
  • Enter the email address of the individual you want to send the email to.
  • Once entered, click on the “Save” button to save the changes. 

Testing the Workflow

  • To test the workflow automation, go to Telegram.
  • Type “Chat With Staff” or click the “Chat With Staff”  quick reply button. 
  • FacilityBot will automatically send an email based on the workflow we just created.