Sensors Data

The Sensors Statistics aggregate the sensor data, including aggregated and raw data.

  • To access this data, log in to FacilityBot Portal. Click on Statistics, then Sensors Data.
  • This data can be filtered by Date Range. 

Aggregated Sensors Data

  • The aggregated data is broken down by date. Here, you can view the name of the sensor and the average reading and cumulative reading.
  • Use the search field to search for a specific sensor. 
  • The table can also be exported as a CSV file using the Export CSV button. 
  • Click on the Plus icon to add the table to a custom dashboard.

Raw Sensor Data

  • To view the raw data, click on the Raw section on the upper left. Here you can view the name of the sensor, topic, payload, and date created. 
  • Similar to the Aggregated Sensor Data, you can use the search field to search for a specific Sensor or click on the Plus icon to add the table to a custom dashboard.