FacilityBot has 3 levels of fault priority that can be tagged to fault reports: low, medium, and high. High Priority status can be automatically tagged, by configuring the system to recognize phrases in fault reports that are deemed as descriptive of high fault priority. High Priority status can be used in workflows to automatically assign high-priority fault reports to responders.
How to Create a New High Priority Fault
- Log into FacilityBot.
- Open the “Settings” menu from the bottom left icons.
- Select “Requests”, then select the “High Priority Faults” tab.
- Select the “+New” button at the far right. A floating window appears to create a new High Priority Fault.
- Give the High Priority Fault a name. Names cannot be repeated if one with the same name has already been created.
- Click and type in the “Training Phrases” field to create at least one training phrase that is descriptive of the new High Priority Fault, for the system to recognize similar phrases in fault reports to tag high priority status. It can also recognize variations of words, so it is not necessary to separately define variations such as “faulty” and “fault”. Press Enter or click again to finish each training phrase and start a new one.
- Click “OK” at the bottom right of the floating window to finish creating the High Priority Fault and add it to the list in the main window.
How to Modify or Delete an Existing High Priority Fault
- Mouse-over the High Priority Fault in the main window to reveal floating “pencil” and “dustbin” icons at its far right.
- Modify the High Priority Fault: Click the “pencil” icon to edit the High Priority Fault. Delete the High Priority Fault: Click the “dustbin” icon to delete the High Priority Fault.
- Clicking the “pencil” icon will open a floating editing panel on the right.
- Modify the name of the High Priority Fault in the editing panel using the “pencil” icon to its right.
- Create training phrases by clicking and typing in the “Training Phrases” field. Press Enter or click again to finish each training phrase and start a new one.
- Delete training phrases using the “x” icons on each training phrase. There must be at least one phrase remaining in the field.
- Click “Update” at the bottom right of the editing panel to finish editing and go back to the main window.
(Note: Delete the High Priority Fault: you can also delete the High Priority Fault in the editing panel using the “dustbin” icon near the top right, above the Name field.)